The System (2018)
20K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Alma Marin Avis Barnes Blu-Ray Authoring Christopher R. Smith Deana Anderson Ezekiel Barron Irin Daniels Jessica Morgan Kamilah Sheats McMagic Cardenas Michale Baker Milkaelyn Baker Noah Barnes Owen Conway Prince DeBoskie Rea Jean Alcala Reginald Kennedy Robert Anderson Rudy R. Amador Sliman Ibraahim Al-Shalan Wakena Deboskie Wendell Burris 2018 4.7 English Irin Daniels United States
The System: Directed by Irin Daniels. With McMagic Cardenas, Reginald Kennedy, Owen Conway, Prince DeBoskie. Lives are torn apart after a police officer suffering from PTSD shoots a deaf African-American kid.
“I only wrote this because I know without a doubt that the rating this movie got came from those who either turns a blind eye to whatu0026#39;s been he happening to minorities-esp people of color-for decades-or, those with the u0026quot;privilegeu0026quot; of not being u0026quot;the targeted species.u0026quot;”