Rock Dog (2016)
50K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Alanna Masterson Andrew Lincoln Angela Kang Ash Brannon Callan McAuliffe Chandler Riggs Christian Serratos Cooper Andrews Danai Gurira Deng Feng Eddie Izzard Eleanor Matsuura Frank Darabont J.K. Simmons Jeffrey Dean Morgan Jennifer Hale Jorge Garcia Josh McDermitt Julie Craig Jun Zheng Kellen Goff Kenan Thompson Khary Payton Kurt Voelker Lauren Cohan Lennie James Lewis Black Liza Richardson Luke Wilson Maddie Taylor Mae Whitman Matt Dillon Melissa McBride Nadia Hilker Nikoline Bangen Norman Reedus Ross Marquand Sam Elliott Seth Gilliam Sonequa Martin-Green Steven Yeun Will Finn 2016 9.7 Ash Brannon English United States
Rock Dog: Directed by Ash Brannon. With Luke Wilson, Eddie Izzard, J.K. Simmons, Lewis Black. When a radio falls from the sky into the hands of a wide-eyed Tibetan Mastiff, he leaves home to fulfill his dream of becoming a musician, setting into motion a series of completely unexpected events.
“So far season 9 has really kicked it up a notch. The last couple of seasons did feel like they were starting to drag but with the addition of the new characters and the time jump the mid season finale added has really kept me intrigued throughout the entirety of this season. Hopefully the show will continue to keep things fresh. Looking forward to the future of this show and the direction it has decided to go.”