Desiree (2014)
47K Crime Drama Genre Thriller Anwan Glover Brent Caballero Christopher Berry Craig Clevenger Dana Gourrier Felicia Pearson Jeff Pope Joseph Fischer Joseph Morgan Kate Walsh Kenneth Kynt Bryan Lawrence Turner Lucius Falick Lucky Johnson Major Dodson Nicole Badaan Persia White Ron Perlman Ross Clarke Sarah Ellis Smith Walton Goggins Zoe Bourg 2014 6.3 English Ross Clarke United States
Desiree: Directed by Ross Clarke. With Joseph Morgan, Nicole Badaan, Walton Goggins, Lucius Falick. An inspired experimental chemist, wakes up in a New Orleans jail, accused of arson that’s linked to an illegal drug-manufacturing ring. Suffering from amnesia, he’s unexpectedly released on bail, determined to find his missing girlfriend.
“Excellent interpretation of Joseph Morgan that overwhelms us, and makes us live the dream drama of Eric, the protagonist, with an extraordinary intensity.”