Troy: The Resurrection of Aeneas (2018)
52K Action Adventure Animation Genre Adrian Lukis Aeneas Middleton Charlotte Ritchie Hardley Davidson Jack Barry John Ross Bowie Jordan Stephens Lisa Kudrow Mae Martin Ophelia Lovibond Paul Bazely Phil Burgers Pippa Haywood Publius Vergilius Maro Ramon Tikaram Ritu Arya Rosalind March Sindhu Vee Sophie Thompson Steen Raskopoulos Tobi Bamtefa Tom Andrews Tom Durant Pritchard 2018 7.9 Aeneas Middleton English United Kingdom
Troy: The Resurrection of Aeneas: Directed by Aeneas Middleton. With Aeneas Middleton, Hardley Davidson. The Journey of Aeneas after the Trojan War. Based on the epic poems of the Aeneid by Publius Vergilius Maro.
“This is one of the funniest series of watched in a long time. It has great exuberant characters that are really likeable. Mae Martin and Charlotte Ritchie are really funny and have very good chemistry. My only criticism is that I feel the show finishu0026#39;s way to abruptly. Apart from that, I canu0026#39;t wait for a possible second season!”