Among Them (2018)
26K Genre Thriller Andrew Martinez Bernie Hutchens Bobby Kenney Christopher Winbush Dan Liebman Drew Law Eddie Kantor Evalena Marie Gregory Alexander Wight Heath Young Jim Powers John Mosetich John Valley Jonathan Thomson Juan Cuspinera Kevin James Barry Lee Simonds Michael L Garcia Jr. Michael Reed Michelle Rodriguez Nick Apostolides Norman Reedus Racer Rodriguez Robert P. Avila Robert Rodriguez Sarah Nicklin William Instone 2018 5.2 English Kevin James Barry United States
Among Them: Directed by Kevin James Barry. With Jonathan Thomson, Dan Liebman, Evalena Marie, Michael Reed. Two bank robbers and their hostage wait in a seedy coastal motel in the dead of winter for new id’s to escape the law. When their tickets to freedom go missing, the three of them must find a way out before they turn on each other.
“Found this today and gave it a go. Good acting, quality script that was highly entertaining and the ending caught me by surprise. Worth the rent!”