Deviant Love (2019)
38K Genre Thriller Alicia James Bradley Bundlie Bridgette Meredith Garb Caia Coley Corbin Timbrook Divya Pillai Emma Bell Enslee Moore Gail O'Grady Gunnar Koehler Kate Miner Lal Leah McKendrick Michael Feifer Nick Ballard Robert Adamson Sotida Arpon Terri Lenee Peake Tovino Thomas 2019 4.4 Canada English Michael Feifer
Deviant Love: Directed by Michael Feifer. With Emma Bell, Nick Ballard, Bradley Bundlie, Gail O’Grady. A woman is charmed by a handsome man with a dark family secret who will do anything, including murder, to keep her forbidden love.
“I honestly donu0026#39;t know how someone could write this garbage. This movie is so beyond realistic, itu0026#39;s laughable. Donu0026#39;t even get me started on the acting. I get it, the script was awful beyond belief, but the acting was equally as bad; actually worse. None of it made sense.”