Odd Squad: The Movie (2016)
14KOdd Squad: The Movie: Directed by J.J. Johnson. With Millie Davis, Olivia Presti, Isaac Kragten, Anna Cathcart. Odd squad may be shutting down due to a new team in town the Weird Team. All the previous agents come back and fight with all the new. Find out what happens next Monday August 1st at 7am and sometime in the afternoon.
“This movie has beautiful scenery of the mountains in Australia. It is a story about a person who finds the inner strength to save his father after an accident and getting stranded and lost. I love the part where he has hallucinations and in a cave. It gets a bit weird in places but all in all is a good movie. It shows that you can do whatever you have to do to get done what needs to be done. The native aborigine are portrayed in a mysterious way. They have some strange rituals that would have been more interesting if we found out more of what they were. The previous review is of a different movie by the same name. Too bad the reviewer didnu0026#39;t pay better attention.”