The Hater (2020)
62K Drama Genre Thriller Adam Gradowski Agata Kulesza Danuta Stenka Iga Krefft Jacek Koman Jan Hrynkiewicz Jan Komasa Jedrzej Wielecki Kacper Dykban Krystian Redzeb Maciej Musialowski Maciej Stuhr Martynika Kosnica Mateusz Pacewicz Piotr Biedron Piotr Cyrwus Rafal Wasielkiewicz Rozalia Mierzicka Sebastian Szalaj Vanessa Aleksander Viet Anh Do Wiktoria Filus 2020 6.6 Germany Jan Komasa Polish
The Hater: Directed by Jan Komasa. With Maciej Musialowski, Vanessa Aleksander, Danuta Stenka, Jacek Koman. A young man searches for purpose in a net of hatred and violence that he tries to control.
“Very rare to watch a poland film thanks for Netflix. It echoes on me how the political event happen in Hk and I could say most of the situation is 70% alike. People get fake news and manipulate by reading news and setup trap. Politics is ugly and this one not only shows the fact but also reveal the power of internet spreading rumors. President year in 2020, can feel from this movie how dirty the campaign will be.”