Outlawed (2018)
7K Action Genre Adam Collins Andre Squire Andy Calderwood Anthony Burrows Brian Woodward Celiowagner Coelho Charlice Alice Craig Canning Emmeline Hartley Georgia Annable Jessica Norris Lisa Appleman Luke Radford Martin Gaisford Megan Abel Ollie Christie Rose Joeseph Tina Harris Tobias Fries Victoria Appleman Zara Phythian 2018 4.5 Adam Collins Canada English
Outlawed: Directed by Adam Collins, Luke Radford. With Adam Collins, Emmeline Hartley, Andy Calderwood, Andre Squire. An action packed story of corruption and murder. Outnumbered, outgunned and against all odds, a Commando fights his way through a siege to save his girl.
“Well another low budget movie, but at least the blood was a LOT better in this one. The store was pretty good u0026amp; really honestly nothing new. Some of the acting really wasnt that bad, but shooting the guns was pretty horrible.nI think this movie would have turned out A LOT better if there was a better budget. Keep the main actor Jake u0026amp; Smudge was horrible.”