Gangnam 1970 (2015)
42K Action Crime Drama Genre Byung Mo Choi Eom Hyo-Seob Gwi-hwa Choi Ha Yoo Jae-young Han Jang Hyuk-jin Jang In-ho Jeon Bae-soo Jeong Ho-bin Jin-young Jung Joo Hee-Joong Kim Dae-Jong Kim Hyeon-Ok Kim Ji-Soo Kim Tae Hyun Lee Min-Ho Rae-won Kim Sin Dong-ryeok Song Boo-gun Sung-Woong Hwang Yang Hee-Woo 5.4 Ha Yoo Korean South Korea
Gangnam 1970: Directed by Ha Yoo. With Lee Min-Ho, Rae-won Kim, Jin-young Jung, Kim Ji-Soo. Jong-Dae and Yong-Ki make a living by picking up paper and empty bottles. Both then join different gangster clan and becomes involved in a struggle of political interests over development in Gangnam, Seoul.
“The regular gangster movies have highlighted several group fights. Unfortunately, the Mafia inside all have one mind, do not know tolerance, do not know politics. At the beginning of the film, there were too many characters, too many confused characters, too tired to recognize, and no translations or prompts for the subtitles. From the side, it also reflects who is the big winner of speculation in real estate in mainland China.”