Sanatorium (2013)
51K Genre Horror Thriller Anthony Radke Ben Rodgers Brant Sersen Charlie Fersko DJ Hazard Don Fanelli Ellen Bucciarelli Jean Diller Justin Purnell Kate Riley Katherine Puma Lauren Hunter Lena Trongone Megan Neuringer Michael Cruger Nicole Radke Samantha Rudin Earls Tara Lynn Greenley Tim Martin 2013 5.4 Brant Sersen English United States
Sanatorium: Directed by Brant Sersen. With Ellen Bucciarelli, Michael Cruger, Jean Diller, Don Fanelli. On New Year’s Eve in 1955, Richard Howell, a patient at the Hillcrest Sanatorium, went on a bloody rampage, killing three children before he hanged himself.
“Itu0026#39;s been done before, Grave Encounters springs to mind, but itu0026#39;s not bad for a low budget indie.nIu0026#39;ve seen worse, a lot worse, Iu0026#39;ve seen better, much better, this sits nicely in the middle ground, a reasonable plot, some scares, I little claret, worth a watch in my humble opinion.”