Und morgen die ganze Welt (2020)
7K Crime Drama Genre Romance Andreas Lust Christopher Hans Constanze Weinig Elke Birkheuser Frederik Bott Heidi Walcher Henning Gisken Mittwollen Hussein Eliraqui Ivy Lissack John Quester Julia von Heinz Luisa-Céline Gaffron Mala Emde Matthias Bundschuh Michael Wittenborn Nadine Sauter Noah Saavedra Robert Besta Samuel Stewart Hunter Stefan Einfalt Tonio Schneider Victoria Trauttmansdorff Wolfram Huber 2020 7.1 German Germany Julia von Heinz
Und morgen die ganze Welt: Directed by Julia von Heinz. With Mala Emde, Noah Saavedra, Tonio Schneider, Andreas Lust. How far one is willing to go for the sake of one’s political commitment.
“The leftists are routinely portrayed as idealistics and somewhat naives. The director, despite her own experience, does not avoid this portrait, although it focuses on the well-known friction between fighting with the same weapons as the enemy, about turning into a wolf to face the wolf. u0026quot;If it had been done in 1930, Nazism would not have existed.u0026quot; That is a good justification. But showing left-wing extremists as immature and naive makes the debate too simplistic.”