A Raunchy Christmas Story (2018)
32K Comedy Genre Abigail Rose Christensen Andrew Schmidt Angel Moore Chris Andersen Elizabeth Hampton Gabe Moore James Rhiley Jeremy Biltz Jessica Potter Josh Dennison Kamion Khan Maria Biltz Monica Biltz Nathan Boren Riley George Tanya Anderson Teresa Nguyen Tony Marquez 2.3 2018 English Maria Biltz United Kingdom
A Raunchy Christmas Story: Directed by Maria Biltz, Monica Biltz. With Chris Andersen, Tanya Anderson, Jeremy Biltz, Maria Biltz. A group of pre millennials arrange a secluded Christmas party to put the romance back into a friend’s life. Unbeknownst to them an investigative journalist and a soviet spy are among the guests.
“Title says it all, canu0026#39;t believe I watched it. The youths probably put a lot of effort in though so fair play.”