Bodied (2017)
27K Comedy Drama Genre Music Alex Larsen Andy Milonakis Anthony Michael Hall Calum Worthy Candice Renee Charlamagne Tha God Daniel Rashid Debra Wilson Dizaster Eddie Perino Eric Allen Smith Hollow Da Don Jackie Long Jin Maley Jon Park Joseph Kahn Loaded Lux Rory Uphold Shoniqua Shandai Simon Rex Vivian Lamolli Walter Perez 2017 7.1 English Joseph Kahn United States
Bodied: Directed by Joseph Kahn. With Calum Worthy, Jackie Long, Rory Uphold, Jon Park. A progressive graduate student finds success and sparks outrage when his interest in battle rap as a thesis subject becomes a competitive obsession.
“It took me a few minutes to understand what was happening but itu0026#39;s not exactly what you think it is.nItu0026#39;s remarkably pure…that we can access whatever part of ourselves we didnu0026#39;t even think we had…but always had a hint (of greatness) of. What a movie.”