Dino Brained (2019)
66K Animation Comedy Family Genre Adrian Agostino Aliki Matangi Andrew Abdo Barbara Hastings Bernie Van Tiel Bobby Macey Connaugh Dylan Murray Emily Taylor Izzy Clarke Joe Zappia John Rogers Katie Simonin Moreblessing Maturure Olivia Pigeot Ray Anand Sarah Kenny Shaun Macey Slim Durst Stefo Nantsou Terrence Hepburn Tony Radevski Winta McGrath Zara Nikolovski Zen McGrath 2019 English null Tony Radevski Turkey
Dino Brained: Directed by Izzy Clarke. With Ray Anand, Slim Durst, Sarah Kenny. A dinosaur and his sidekick on a mission, Fang and Scale pilot their spaceship through the galaxy on a dizzying quest for knowledge! When they connect with interstellar teacher, Professor Claw, their smarts are turbo-boosted out of this world! Ride along on the journey of a lifetime with Dino-Brained friends, Fang and Scale as they prove that learning never goes extinct!