Syndicate Smasher (2017)
58K Action Crime Drama Genre Alex Safi Allen Perada Arthur Roberts Benny Tjandra David Prak Doug Tochioka Eiji Inoue Hidetoshi Imura Joe Estevez John Gumboc Jon Miguel Joseph Valentinetti Laurene Landon Mel Novak Nic D'Avirro Olya Lvova Philip Pirio Thomas J. Churchill Victor Chi Vince Brocato Vitaly Sviridoff William De Vital 2017 4.4 Benny Tjandra English United States
Syndicate Smasher: Directed by Benny Tjandra, Doug Tochioka. With Mel Novak, Laurene Landon, David Prak, Jon Miguel. A group of mercenaries hired as contract killers are hunted down by the Mafia, the Yakuza, the Russian Mob, and the Tongs all at once.
“Couldnu0026#39;t get through first 5 minutes. Bad action, bad acting, bad effects. They were shooting in the opposite direction of people and killing them. No idea why this is getting 10 star ratings.”