Lakshmi's NTR (2019)
56K Drama Genre Agasthya Manju Avanthika Babu Rao Balu Gangadhar Jabardasth Naveen Jacob Raju Madhavi Maha Lakshmi Narendra Narendra Chary P. Vijay Kumar Pasupuleti Srinivas Rao Prakash Rajsekhar Aningi Ram Gopal Varma Ramachandran Revathananda Sandhya Meka Sanju Surya Babu Vinod Kumar Yagna Shetty 5.8 Agasthya Manju India Telugu
Lakshmi’s NTR: Directed by Agasthya Manju, Ram Gopal Varma. With Rajsekhar Aningi, Avanthika, Surya Babu, Balu. The life of iconic politician Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao (NTR) after meeting Lakshmi Parvathi, his second wife.
“I became NTR fan personally also for his openness and clarity of marrying Lakshmi parvathi. He gave at most importance to her despite of pressure from family. Movie is natural and CBN acting is mesmerizing. However real CBN acting deserves infinite oscars.”