1st Born (2018)
27K Comedy Genre Ali Atshani Carrie Jo Crosby Denise Richards Dominique Swain Doug Haley Greg Grunberg Jay Abdo Joel Michaely Ken Davitian Kian Kavousi Kristina Korsholm Michael Sirow Mitchell L. Johnson Nina Nayebi Reza Sixo Safai Robert Knepper Sam Khoze Soo Yeon Lee Tarek Zohdy Taylor Cole Tom Berenger Val Kilmer William Baldwin 3.4 Ali Atshani English United Kingdom
1st Born: Directed by Ali Atshani, Sam Khoze. With Val Kilmer, Denise Richards, Dominique Swain, Taylor Cole. Tucker and Hamid are going to be grandfathers for the first time, but only if they can come together long enough to save their first-born grandchild.
“1st Born seemed a quite funny film. Apart from the whole story, what happened to two fathers was interesting so what I can say is that it was funny for me.”