Trumped (2019)
30K Comedy Drama Genre Carlos Mapano Cathryn Sherman Devika Erin Wilson Gollapudi Maruthi Rao Kaikala Satyanarayana Lee Nicholas Harris Mia Lacostena Naida Redgrave Nansi Nsue Neil Summerville Nikhil Sharma Reis Daniel Rodrigo Vázquez Ronya Man S.V. Ranga Rao Stella Anderson Suryakantham Tessa Hart V. Ramachandra Rao 2019 8.1 English Germany V. Ramachandra Rao
Trumped: Directed by Rodrigo Vázquez. With Tessa Hart, Nansi Nsue, Erin Wilson, Carlos Mapano. A group of young activists decide to push back against the rising xenophobia in their South East London community, being stirred by a particularly vocal politician. When an opportunity for political leverage lands at their feet, they prepare to start their very own revolution. After all, how hard can navigating a political scandal be? In over their heads and struggling to stay focused, it soon becomes clear that instigating a revolution totally isn’t as easy as it looks.