Jungle Boy, Kenia (1984)
28KJungle Boy, Kenia: Directed by Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, Tetsuo Imazawa. With Ryôichi Takayanagi, Makio Inoue, Eiko Masuyama, Masao Ohtsuka. This cartoon, based on a popular manga (Japanese-style comic), centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful native girl, and the adventure begins, a sort of Young Indy Jones meets Tarzan.
“I saw a few mediocre reviews, which describes the movie as celebrating alcohol culture, hence why giving a mediocre score. Which is absolutely not true, and a misunderstanding. Maybe these persons comes from a society with less alcohol consumption, and see this as an unrealistic way of inciting a society to drink more.nThe movie is in my opinion more likely criticizing the alcohol culture in Denmark, as it perfectly portrays the danish alcohol culture and how absurd it is, which makes what is actually a drama genre movie to become somewhat of a comedy, because it is so realistic, and the realism is just hilarious thought-provoking.”