Neshima (2016)
38K Fantasy Genre Aaron Hammond Charlie Glackin Cory Wess Danielle Baker Danny Morris Ed Zajac Erin Dinsmore Fiammetta Kyle Lawrence Wright Larry Van Loon Michael Anthony Young Michael Geretz Michael Robert Moody Evans Mike Burnell Mike Tenenberg Nahesi Crawford Rhoads Osbourne Shawn Kathryn Kane Shoshana Chagall Tommy Friedman Vishwanath Iyer 2016 5.5 English Tommy Friedman United States
Neshima: Directed by Tommy Friedman. With Shoshana Chagall, Erin Dinsmore, Vishwanath Iyer, Michael Geretz. Warring tribes desperately seek the fragments of a sacred crystal key, but when one piece is stolen, Princess Lakshmi must fulfill an ancient prophesy by leaving her tribe, reuniting the crystal, and opening the portal to Neshima.