21 Days (2014)
23K Genre Horror Thriller Anna Maganini Arden Belle Asia Argento Barbara Carrillo Chris Gann D.J. Harner Danny Trejo David Asman Eduardo Roman Eve Geoffrey Rhue Jan Filipenský Jeff Hohimer Joe Bucaro III Joey Eugene John Sierra Kathleen Behun Kyle Villalovos Leila Arcieri Luis Robledo Martin Hub Marton Csokas Max Hambleton Michael Roof Mickey River Petr Jákl Rich Wilkes Richy Müller Rob Cohen Samuel L. Jackson Ted Maynard Thomas Ian Griffith Tom Everett Vin Diesel Werner Daehn Whitney Rose Pynn William Hope 5.9 English Rob Cohen United States
21 Days: Directed by Kathleen Behun. With Max Hambleton, Whitney Rose Pynn, Mickey River, Eduardo Roman. Three filmmakers embark on a paranormal challenge by barricading themselves in a house so haunted, no one has been able to live in for more than 21 days.
“seems like a very low budget film,most of the actors was OK, but the scene where the guy screams like a girl was funny.. i am horror/creepy movie addict, always waiting for the next conjuring,sinister,paranormal activity,the nightmare type of clip. so i hope this year can show us a new topic/plot guaranteed to bring paranoia and nightmares.”