We Take the Low Road (2019)
39K Drama Genre Thriller Adara Toop Amanda Viola Angela DiMarco Anisha Adusumilli Ashley Bagwell Brian Sutherland Carly Pope Chris William Martin Coco Christo D'Angelo Midili Domenic Barbero Elijah Stevenson Jerry Spears Levi Smith Lisa Carswell Micah Knapp Michael J Rogers Nathalie Boltt Neill Blomkamp Phillip Musumeci Pisay Pao Rich Morris Russell Hodgkinson Sean Ormond Sean Scott McCracken Stefan Hayek 2019 6.3 Domenic Barbero English United States
We Take the Low Road: Directed by Domenic Barbero, Jerry Spears. With Pisay Pao, Russell Hodgkinson, Brian Sutherland, Elijah Stevenson. After his father loses the battle with cancer, Mason, along with Thompson and Bobbi, seek murderous justice against the Pharmaceutical CEOs that denied him medical treatment, and they hope for riches along the way.
“Tried to watch but it just got boring halfway through .Its slow and just felt weak.It started well but soon declined.”