Home with a View of the Monster (2019)
27K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Adam Greenlee Adrienne Coleman Alex Greenlee Andrew Rathgeber Arvella McCollom Barbara Merrill Dani Fox Danielle Evon Ploeger Easton McCollom Ellen Humphreys Jade Greenlee Jasper Hammer Jeremy Parr Kelly McCollom Laurie Cummings Michael Fox Michelle Vilarose Pricilla Arvidsson Sébastien Charmant Todd Greenlee Westin McCollom 2019 4.2 Alex Greenlee English United States
Home with a View of the Monster: Directed by Alex Greenlee, Todd Greenlee. With Danielle Evon Ploeger, Ellen Humphreys, Sébastien Charmant, Easton McCollom. Dennis and Rita arrive home to a series of mysterious events.
“This Movie was very strange. Not really in a good way either. Iu0026#39;d give it 3 stars, plus 1 for weirdness factor. 4/10”