Hanyô no Yashahime (TV Series 2020– )
43K Action Adventure Animation Genre Alan Lee Aleks Le Arthur Romeo Azusa Tadokoro Crispin Freeman Erica Mendez Fairouz Ai Hiroya Egashira Jun Fukuyama Kira Buckland Kôji Seki Kôsuke Kobayashi Mikako Komatsu Morgan Berry Ryan Bartley Ryohei Kimura Sara Matsumoto Takehiro Urao Yoshimasa Hosoya Zach Aguilar 2020 7.2 Germany Japanese
Hanyô no Yashahime: With Sara Matsumoto, Mikako Komatsu, Kira Buckland, Erica Mendez. An adventure following Sesshomaru’s half-demon twin daughters, Towa and Setsuna, as they discover the mysteries of their past along with Moroha, the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome.
“First episode was amazing.. felt like i didnt miss anything after kagome stayed there… im in love with it already.”