Modern Prodigal (2019)
68K Drama Genre Adam Laborde Angelo Infanti Antonella Murgia Antonio Margheriti Bob Hevelone Branden Lewis Bryan McClure Chop Volpe Dan van Husen Darryl W. Handy Dyane Silverstein Edward Albert Ewald G. Spader Francine Locke Frank Moody Giovanni Simonelli Holly A. Morris Jack Savage Jason Louder Josh Murray Karen Black Kelly Ladd L.A. Winters Lee Van Cleef Lionel Stander Lola Luton Marc Princi Michael McClendon Mike Parker Nikki R. Miller Paul Barlow Jr. Paul Costello Peter Carsten Robert Alda Ron Van Clief Roy Brocksmith Rudolf Waldemar Brem Sharon Frank Steven Burch Vanessa Ore Vince Pisani 2019 5.5 English Jack Savage United States
Modern Prodigal: Directed by Jack Savage. With Vince Pisani, Bryan McClure, Paul Barlow Jr., Francine Locke. Reporter searching for answers in his son’s murder, uncovers a drug ring run out of the city’s rehab center, and his life changes more than he’d ever dreamt possible, as he is faced with a choice that will impact his eternity.
“This film had a storyline that is quite relatable today. With drugs running rapid through the streets, viewers will find this movie engaging and enjoyable.”