Inheritance (2020)
18K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Alec James Chace Crawford Chris Gann Christina DeRosa Connie Nielsen Donna Rae Allen Hartley Burch Jim E. Chandler Joe Herrera Josh Murray Lily Collins Lucas Alexander Ayoub Lydia Hand Mari Kasuya Mariyah Francis Marque Richardson Matthew Kennedy Michael Beach Patrick Warburton Rebecca Adams Simon Pegg Vaughn Stein 2020 5.4 English United States Vaughn Stein
Inheritance: Directed by Vaughn Stein. With Lily Collins, Simon Pegg, Connie Nielsen, Chace Crawford. The patriarch of a wealthy and powerful family suddenly passes away, leaving his daughter with a shocking secret inheritance that threatens to unravel and destroy the family.
“Honestly – the trailer was much better than the movie. I think I just stopped believing anything about this movie when Lily Collins is the DA in a big city. Sorry, but I gotta say – horrible casting – she looks like she is in Elementary School…and come on, Simon Pegg? I love the man, but not in this role. Oh, I could break it down, but why bother?”