Urfin Dzhyus vozvrashchaetsya (2019)
36K Adventure Animation Family Genre Aleksandr Boyarskiy Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Billy Bob Thompson Brittany Pressley Dmitriy Dyuzhev Eddy Lee Erica Schroeder Fyodor Dmitriev Haven Paschall Jeffrey Hylton Konstantin Khabenskiy Laurie Hymes Marc Thompson Mike Pollock Ryan Andes Tom Wayland Tyler Bunch 2019 4.8 Fyodor Dmitriev Russia Russian
Urfin Dzhyus vozvrashchaetsya: Directed by Fyodor Dmitriev. With Marc Thompson, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, Eddy Lee, Tom Wayland. The treacherous Urfin Jus is trying to take over Emerald City once more.
“Ok so the animation is alright accept most of the mouths dont sync and the story is so boring i legit fell asleep.”