Faith Under Fire (2020)
49K Drama Genre Adam Burton Brandie Marie Hodges Dean Cain Gary Wayne Allison Grover McCants Jeff Darby Jeff Priskorn Jesi Jensen Joel Paul Reisig Kevin Sorbo Keyna Reynolds Kristen Ryda Mara Kanyon Mike T. Tremblay Nick Vlassopoulos Rachel Sowers Rob McAllister Shawn C Smith Sue Kellogg Tenley Kellogg Zack Lessner 2020 3.2 English Joel Paul Reisig United States
Faith Under Fire: Directed by Joel Paul Reisig. With Nick Vlassopoulos, Tenley Kellogg, Dean Cain, Kevin Sorbo. Fireman Tom Hatcher is at the end of his rope. He saves lives but couldn’t save his wife from cancer. Now his daughter faces the same battle. From an unlikely friend, Tom is challenged to face grief and embrace faith in his darkest hours.
“This is incessant whining at its finest! Why is it that the religious in the US are the biggest whiners around? They constantly say they are being persecuted yet they are the ones doing the persecuting. Silly, silly film.”