Best Friends Forever (2013)
23K Drama Genre Alex Berg Alex Fernie Ben Hethcoat Brea Grant Christopher Jon Martin Glen Powell Grace Yang Vitali Jon Michael Davis Kit Williamson Leslie Chappell Mylinda Royer Nora Nagatani Riccardo LeBron Sean Maher Sean Riggs Stacey Storey Stevin Espinoza Tamara Rey Tom Fox Davies Vera Miao 2013 8.2 Brea Grant English United States
Best Friends Forever: Directed by Brea Grant. With Alex Berg, Leslie Chappell, Jon Michael Davis, Stevin Espinoza. Harriet, a comic book artist with a secret, and her reckless BFF, Reba, take their ’76 AMC Pacer on the open road and instead get a wild ride towards an impending nuclear apocalypse.
“This is a fine piece of minimalist art about 2 young people, each trying to get started, who unknowingly end up in the middle of catastrophe. What u0026quot;actionu0026quot; takes place is integral and necessary to the story. The focus is unerringly and uninterruptedly centered on each of them separately and as they relate to each other. Well acted, well directed, well filmed, well edited. Well worth a watch!”