Kill Ratio (2016)
46K Action Genre Aideen Gohery Amy Huberman Ben Hopper Brian McGuinness Bryan Harte Conor Hegarty James Parker Lacy Moore Luke Hanlon Luke Pierucci Maciej Zaleski Michelle Lehane Nick Dunning Norbert Selmaj Paul Tanter Peter Stears Sarah Reddy Shi Jiao Sun Steven Palmer Peterson Tom Hopper 2016 4.4 English Paul Tanter United States
Kill Ratio: Directed by Paul Tanter. With Tom Hopper, Amy Huberman, Nick Dunning, Lacy Moore. An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country’s ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.
“The story line is very poor and so as the actions. It seems as the hero is having super power who can never be defeated. Acting is ok and the camera work is zero.”