The Party's Just Beginning (2018)
29K Comedy Drama Genre Ayberk Atilla Baris Arduç Daniela Nardini David McKay Devrim Yalçin Duncan Brown Elçin Sangu Ferdi Merter Hande Agaoglu Hazal Vatansever Hikmet Körmükçü Ian Sheepie Smith Ismail Karagöz Jamie Quinn Joe Cassidy Julie Graham Karen Gillan Kerem Firtina Lee Pace Lesley Harcourt Levent Ülgen Matthew Beard Matthew Zajac Melisa Giz Cengiz Nergis Kumbasar Niall Greig Fulton Onur Büyüktopçu Osman Akca Paul Higgins Paul Tinto Paula Sage Rachel Jackson Ragip Gülen Ralph Riach Salih Bademci Sanem Yeles Selin Uzal Sinem Uslu Siobhan Redmond Stephen Nelson 9.5 Karen Gillan Turkey Turkish
The Party’s Just Beginning: Directed by Karen Gillan. With Karen Gillan, Lee Pace, Matthew Beard, Paul Higgins. When her best friend takes his own life, Liusaidh has to deal with stresses of such a situation.
“Good actors, good movie. Every time the episodes ending was awesome and letting you to donu0026#39;t know what will happen into the next one and creating a suspense. The movie was very funny with all Koray and Neriman scenes also mine. And the romantic scenes between Omer and Defne. I loved the film and I wanted more because the ending will let you like this with a feeling that you wanted more.”