David vs. Goliath (2016)
40K Action Adventure Drama Genre Anthony Marks Colin Vaughan Devin Brooke Eric Paul Erickson Ethan Keener Garrett Marchbank Hunter Smith Jacob Peacock James Logan Jason Tobias Jeff Pruitt Jeffrey Giles John Knox Jon Hollis Jordan Bielsky Les Brandt Matt Berberi Michael Lurie Michael Wayne Foster Rodger Halston Ryan Reynolds Steven Huff Wallace Brothers 2016 4.6 English Turkey Wallace Brothers
David vs. Goliath: Directed by Wallace Brothers. With Matt Berberi, Michael Wayne Foster, John Knox, Rodger Halston. At the crossroads of two great ancient empires, a simple shepherd named David transforms into a powerful warrior and takes on a terrifying giant. One of history’s most legendary battles is retold in a stylistic, bloody tale of courage and faith.
“This is very funny movie I have ever seen :-)…I only have watched first 15 minutes of the movie then I realised that.David and the other characters actually a part of 3rd quality spaghetti western movie. The location is more Texas than middle east and all characters are talkingu0026#39; and acting like cowboys…funny..”