Cruel Hearts (2018)
30K Genre Thriller Alev Aydin Alina Ivette Bonnie Root Dawn Brodey Eddie Jemison Eisley Osborne Jack Gogreve Joe Vanourney Jon Shainman Lucie Beeby Luis Robledo Marion Kerr Melanie Starks Melora Hardin Patrick Day Paul Osborne Robert Hornak Russell Southam Sean Russel Herman Tobey Forsman Wes Styles 2018 5.7 English Paul Osborne United States
Cruel Hearts: Directed by Paul Osborne. With Melora Hardin, Eddie Jemison, Bonnie Root, Alev Aydin. A young man, Guy, discovers the woman he’s been sleeping with is not only married, but married to Burt Walker, a notorious low-level crime boss.
“Saw this movie at HawgFest in NM and it was really bad a$$…”