Children of the Sea (2019)
15K Adventure Animation Drama Genre Anjali Gauld Ayumu Watanabe Beau Bridgland Benjamin Niedens Carrie Keranen Christine Marie Cabanos Courtney Shaw Daisuke Igarashi Denise Lee Doug Erholtz Hanasaki Kino Hiiro Ishibashi Josh Petersdorf Karen Strassman Kirk Thornton Lynden Prosser Mana Ashida Marc Thompson Meredith Zeitlin Michael Sorich Seishû Uragami Wally Wingert Win Morisaki 2019 7.1 Ayumu Watanabe Japan Japanese
Children of the Sea: Directed by Ayumu Watanabe. With Mana Ashida, Hiiro Ishibashi, Seishû Uragami, Win Morisaki. A young girl is drawn into a mystery involving sealife around the world, in which two mysterious boys are somehow involved.
“The beginning of the movie was slow paced and not that interesting, but in the last half there are some absolutely stunning sequences. The message that was conveyed was also very beautiful and thought provoking.”