Firecrackers (2018)
56K Drama Genre Akil Pugh Andrea Ciliberti Callum Thompson Cristal Bubblin David Kingston David Parisian Denise Garcia Devon Collins Dylan Mask Gabe Meacher Gabriella Pastore Heather Savoy Idrees Degas Jasmin Mozaffari John Kellar Jorja Cadence Karena Evans Karleena Kelly Matthew MacCallum Michaela Kurimsky Najee De-Tiege Robert Cormier Scott Cleland ShaRhonda 'Roni' Brown Sophia Flot-Warner Sulaiman Muhammad Tamara LeClair Tarick Glancy 2018 5 Akil Pugh Canada English
Firecrackers: Directed by Jasmin Mozaffari. With Michaela Kurimsky, Karena Evans, Callum Thompson, David Kingston. A teenage girl and her friend run into problems when they plan to leave town.
“I love Larry Clark movies and the whole genre of u0026#39;realu0026#39; teen movies, which this movie fits into. But Firecrackers is boring, the characters arenu0026#39;t interesting, and thereu0026#39;s nothing disturbing about it. Itu0026#39;s just bleh. It would look real if the actresses didnu0026#39;t look like actresses, but thatu0026#39;s the best thing I can say for it.”