3-Headed Shark Attack (Video 2015)
61K Action Adventure Comedy Genre Anna Mercedes Morris Bill Hanstock Bob Constance Brad Mills Brianna Ferris Christopher Ray Danny Trejo Dawn Hamil Jaason Simmons Jacob Cooney James Poule Jazy Berlin Jena Sims Karrueche Tran Kayla Campbell Larry Gamell Jr. Mark Nager Preston Simmons Rico Ball Rob Van Dam Scott Thomas Reynolds Stephen Harwick Steve Norris 2.5 32015 Christopher Ray English Germany
3-Headed Shark Attack: Directed by Christopher Ray. With Karrueche Tran, Jaason Simmons, Rob Van Dam, Danny Trejo. As a mutated, three-headed, great white shark eats its way from one end of the ship to the next, the passengers have to fight the deadly predator using anything they can find.
“A crystal clear example of how not to make a movie and a proof they all chose a wrong job”