Tazmanian Devil (2020)
42K Drama Genre Aaron Spivey-Sorrells Abraham Attah Adepero Oduye Adoria K Lewis Billie D. Merritt David Opegbemi Donald Rey Jaquai Wade Pearson Jasmine Shanise Kenneisha Thompson Kwesi Boakye Kyle Gardner Lynn Andrews III Michelle Rose Domb Montreal Diggs Nadirah Shakir Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine Orlando Valentino Rockmeyer Estes Solomon Onita Jr. Telvin Griffin 2020 5.3 English Solomon Onita Jr. United States
Tazmanian Devil: Directed by Solomon Onita Jr.. With Adepero Oduye, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine, Abraham Attah, Kwesi Boakye. After moving to the United States, Nigerian immigrant Dayo (Attah) struggles to find a balance between his desire to join a college fraternity and bonding with his estranged father who is a strict pastor at a local church.
“Definitely enjoyed the film, it is worth the watch.”