Perfect Child (TV Movie 2007)
52K Drama Genre Thriller A.C. Peterson Alexis Kellum-Creer Blake Price Brenna O'Brien Cassandra Sawtell Chelah Horsdal David Kaye Doug Barber James Phillips Jillian Fargey Jody Thompson Libby Asher Lochlyn Munro Michael O'Shea Nicole Muñoz Rachel Hayward Rebecca Budig Ross Tweedale Sarah Hayward Steve Archer Terri Anne Taylor Terry Ingram Todd Curran 2007 5.3 English Terry Ingram United States
Perfect Child: Directed by Terry Ingram. With Rebecca Budig, Lochlyn Munro, Nicole Muñoz, Chelah Horsdal. Brilliant software entrepreneur Paul Jacobs meets PR agent Sarah Daniels at his spoiled rotten daughter Lily’s tennis club. First Sara seduces Paul to hire her firm for his, then they fall in love and get married. But both Lily and Paul’s business parter (and ex) Monica are secretly jealous and want Sara out. Accidents hit both his family and his firm hard, but are they accidents and if not, who is staging them? Secrets from Paul’s, Sara’s and some others’ past complicate things further.