American Pop (1981)
38K Animation Drama Genre History Amy Levitt Beatrice Colen Ben Frommer Elsa Raven Eric Taslitz Frank DeKova Gene Borkan Hilary Beane Jeffrey Lippa Jerry Holland Leonard Stone Lisa Jane Persky Lynda Wiesmeier Mews Small Phillip Simms Ralph Bakshi Richard Moll Rick Singer Ron Thompson Ronni Kern Roz Kelly Vincent Schiavelli 1981 6.2 English Ralph Bakshi United States
American Pop: Directed by Ralph Bakshi. With Ron Thompson, Mews Small, Jerry Holland, Lisa Jane Persky. The story of four generations of a Russian Jewish immigrant family of musicians whose careers parallel the history of American popular music in the 20th century.
“A story that transcends through the generations of a family. Starting in the u0026quot;roaringu0026quot; u0026#39;20u0026#39;s the movie begins with the life of an immigrant boy and carries the viewer through a tapestry of jazz, swing, blues, classic rock, and early 80u0026#39;s rock. A completely different look than previous or later Bakshi works, but with the same quality. A must see if you want to forget youu0026#39;re watching an animated movie.”