Eye for an Eye (2019)
41K Action Genre Thriller Alex Sturman Beau Kiger Chris Wang Clayton Haymes David Chattam David E. Ballard George Kaplan Holgie Forrester Joanna Fyllidou John Demakas John Kirejian Joshua M. Watson Pasha Sol Preston Harrison Robert McEvilly Shirley Dalmas Stephen Lambert Steven T. Bartlett Tim Molyneux Tom Webb Tyrrell Cummings William Lacayo Jr. 2019 4.8 Stephen Lambert United States
Eye for an Eye: Directed by Stephen Lambert. With Alex Sturman, Clayton Haymes, David Chattam, David E. Ballard. A disavowed CIA agent goes on the run when she is attacked by mercenaries who have learned she possesses a missing memory card containing information that could start World War III.
“Plot, location, and music are all cheap.. I really regret that I watched”