Holmes & Watson (2018)
26K Comedy Crime Genre Mystery Arthur Conan Doyle Codie-Lei Eastick Ella Bright Etan Cohen Harry Baxendale Hector Bateman-Harden John C. Reilly Kelly Macdonald Kenneth Hadley Laura Stevely Lauren Lapkus Layla Rose Boyce Paddy Holland Pam Ferris Paul Bigley Ralph Fiennes Rebecca Hall Rob Brydon Sadie Newman Sue Maund Tommy Gene Surridge Will Ferrell 2018 6 English Etan Cohen Germany
Holmes u0026 Watson: Directed by Etan Cohen. With Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Rebecca Hall, Rob Brydon. A humorous take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic mysteries featuring Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.
“Never have I ever been so bored, disgusted, and repulsed by a movie. My family and I collectively decided to walk out about an hour in, realizing what a waste of time this film has been. There are so many better movies in theaters right now- please, please, please stay away from this hot garbage.”