The 2nd (2020)
59K Action Drama Genre Brian Skiba Casper Van Dien Chris Jai Alex Christopher Troy Eric Bromberg Eric Perrodin Esteban Cueto Gene Freeman Jack Griffo Jacob Grodnik James Bromberg James Logan Jennifer Wenger Kellina Rutherford Lexi Simonsen Nicole Reddinger Paul Taegel Randy Charach Richard Burgi Ryan Phillippe Samaire Armstrong Tank Jones William Katt William McNamara 3.2 Brian Skiba English Germany
The 2nd: Directed by Brian Skiba. With Ryan Phillippe, Casper Van Dien, Jack Griffo, Lexi Simonsen. An Army Delta Force officer is late picking up his son at college. His son and a Supreme Court Justice’s daughter are the last there. A gang of terrorists are there to abduct her and force her dad’s hand on a Second Amendment vote.
“How did Ryan Phillipe end up in this project? The execution of each scene, camera work, dialogue and action sequences are just not coming together. You can tell how a film is going to go in the first 5 minutes. Actually 2 minutes. I stopped watching after 5 minutes even with fast forwarding.”