Unsere verlorenen Herzen (2020)
6K Drama Genre Romance Adhir Kalyan Anzi DeBenedetto Austin Abrams Bruce Altman C.J. Hoff Catherine Curtin Coral Peña J.J. Pyle Jasmine Hope Bloch Jon Lemmon Kara Young Katherine Winter Krystal Sutherland Lan Zhong Lili Reinhart Maxmillian Robinson Meg Gibson Richard Tanne Robert Clohessy Sarah Jones Shannon Walsh 2020 6.8 English Germany Richard Tanne
Unsere verlorenen Herzen: Directed by Richard Tanne. With Lili Reinhart, Austin Abrams, Sarah Jones, Adhir Kalyan. A high-school transfer student finds a new passion when she begins to work on the school’s newspaper.
“Being Young is so painful,nItu0026#39;s almost,like, too much to feel!nIu0026#39;m 20 and i could soooo relate it!”