Little Heroes (1999)
55K Adventure Comedy Family Genre Amber J. Lawson Barbara Leigh-Hunt Benoit Badot Brad Sergi Camryn Walling Colette Brown Dean Howell Duke Erica Shaffer Erin Starr George Layton George Zenios Heinrich James Henri Charr Isla Fisher James Buller Jeff Asch Jess Mancilla John Colton Kevin Weiler Kristine Mejia Lucy Christofi Christy Luke Strain Michelle Collins Mimi Planas Natalie J. Robb Nicholas Andronicou Nick Reding Paul Nicholas Peter Kosta Peter Polycarpou Ralley Rebecca Callard Richard Preston Jr. Scott St. James Sean Maguire Sharon Small Stephen Mapes Thomas Garner Tirion Mortrell Tony Lipari Zeta Graff 1999 7.6 English Henri Charr United States
Little Heroes: Directed by Henri Charr. With Thomas Garner, Brad Sergi, Kristine Mejia, Dean Howell. Upon deciding to testify against his former employer at a tobacco company, Harry Burton’s son, Charlie, is threatened by two thugs hired by the company to thwart Harry’s testimony. That is when the family’s two dogs come to the rescue.
“This movie is ridiculous in the best way possible. There are a million plots, they kind of intersect, but most importantly the dogs high five multiple times!”