Fandry (2013)
29K Drama Family Genre Aishwarya Shinde Bhushan Manjule Chhaya Kadam Jyoti Subhash Kishore Kadam Nagraj Manjule Prashant Kambale Pravin Tarde Rajeshwari Kharat Ramchandra Dhumal Sakshi Vyavhare Sanjay Chaudhri Somnath Awghade Suhas Shirsat Suraj Pawar Suresh Vishwakarma Vikas Pandurang Patil 2013 8.1 India Marathi Nagraj Manjule
Fandry: Directed by Nagraj Manjule. With Somnath Awghade, Rajeshwari Kharat, Suraj Pawar, Kishore Kadam. It is about a teenager from a Dalit (Oppressed caste) family, who lives at the village fringe, and falls in love with an upper caste girl.
“A must watch movie. I really love the climax portion. I appreciate the director for taking this type of story.”