Loco (2020)
13K Drama Genre Thriller Anthony Jensen Chris Devlin Chris Spinelli Craig Stark Crystal Chappell Dylan Neumeyer GeffriMaya Gil Darnell Greg Simmonds Heidi Schultz Jeff Alan-Lee Jim Carlson Joey Maida John Charles Meyer Justin Galindo Kimberly Spak Maestro Harrell Paul Hutchens Ski Carr Tim Torre Trevor Dolden 2020 4.4 English Justin Galindo United States
Loco: Directed by Justin Galindo. With GeffriMaya, Maestro Harrell, Trevor Dolden, Craig Stark. A troubled man becomes a pawn in a brutal struggle between two crime lords fighting for control of a new street drug.
“Saw this movie on iTunes. I really liked Lester in this movie. He was super cool and interesting. I would watch this movie again.”