Ash (2019)
43K Drama Genre Andrew Huculiak Ben Corns Beverley Elliott Bradley James Cameron Crosby Cayne McKenzie Chelah Horsdal Daniel Arnold David Lennon Eric Keenleyside Jason Desautels Jay Clift Jay Devery Jenna Hastings Jessie Fraser Josh Huculiak Leo Fafard Luke Howe Melanie Walden Raresh DiMofte Stephen Lobo Tim Guinee Timothy Lambert 2019 7.3 Andrew Huculiak Canada English
Ash: Directed by Andrew Huculiak. With Tim Guinee, Chelah Horsdal, Eric Keenleyside, Stephen Lobo. A small town news reporter is accused of unspeakable crimes while he follows a massive forest fire that threatens his community.
“The small team indie filmmakers from Canada, known mostly for their music videos and the critically acclaimed, though, unfortunately, little known art indie drama u0026quot;Violentu0026quot; returns with u0026quot;Ashu0026quot;, and again recaptures the magic that made Violent the exceptional film that it is. u0026quot;Ashu0026quot; is one of the best films Iu0026#39;ve ever seen.”