Pink Elephants (2018)
67K Documentary Genre Adam Ramirez Bernard Hiller Bernd Capitain Brett Ratner Bryan Cranston Calvin Grandling Christopher Hawkins Christopher McDonald Ciera Foster Craig Fletcher Delia Gyger Eirin Forsberg Emilio Rivera Jane Jenkins Ken Davitian Laureline Kuntz Mandy Berger Miriam Rehbein Petra Michelle Nérette Sandra De Sousa Susanne Bohlmann Tessa Hart 2018 8.1 German Germany Susanne Bohlmann
Pink Elephants: Directed by Susanne Bohlmann, Christopher Hawkins. With Bernd Capitain, Mandy Berger, Bryan Cranston, Ken Davitian. The dynamics of a cult? Fragile actors are deconstructed by their mentor. Forbidden from discussing it with the outside, instructed to rid their lives of anyone who questions the method.