Bo und der Weihnachtsstern (2017)
18K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Aidy Bryant Anthony Anderson Carlos Kotkin Christopher Plummer Delilah Gabriel Iglesias Gina Rodriguez Joel McCrary Joel Osteen Keegan-Michael Key Kelly Clarkson Kris Kristofferson Kristin Chenoweth Mariah Carey Oprah Winfrey Patricia Heaton Simon Moore Steven Yeun Timothy Reckart Tracy Morgan Tyler Perry Ving Rhames Zachary Levi 2017 5.5 English Germany Timothy Reckart
Bo und der Weihnachtsstern: Directed by Timothy Reckart. With Steven Yeun, Keegan-Michael Key, Aidy Bryant, Gina Rodriguez. A small but brave donkey and his animal friends become the unsung heroes of the first Christmas.
“I took my 7 year old son to see this film and we had a great time. He was laughing out loud at the animals and their antics. There is a scary soldier that was pursuing Mary and Joseph, but not too scary. If you are interested in the traditional Christmas story for your family…this is just the ticket. Great animation. Funny characters. Happy and uplifting. I wish they would make more kids movies like this!!!”